Aaron Eades Profile

Aaron Eades. 
Born: June 6th 1992.
Email: Aaroneades@skull-kidz.com
Twitter: @Aaroneadez
Gamertage: Aarownd
PSN: GregoryJenson

Hey, I'm Aaron. I'm just your average guy who likes videogames and is overly critical of everything. Naturally I figured this would leverage easy into games journalism. This is my personal blog where I write whatever I feel like, as well as house reviews I write that don't get published. Right now I'm attending college working towards an English literature degree, and hope to begin working as a staff games journalist full time once I graduate. So in the meantime I've been working as a freelance in order to build-up a portfolio and gain some experience. I've only been writing in a professional space for a few months and my writing skills are less than perfect, but they have been steadily improving as I continue to write.

My areas of expertise in games are Horror and fighting action games. I don't claim to be a master of any games (Except Animal Crossing, I can milk me some Tom Nook for all he's got.) but those are the genres I feel most familiar with. But I'm more than competent at pretty much every type of game, I don't mean to brag but I have beaten every Devil May Cry game on Dante Must Die difficulty. Yes. Even 2...Yeah...

As far as writing credentials go I have had one review published. 


I also won a local horror writing contest for the news paper. It was a $25 prize, bought me a Yo-Yo and a clearance copy of Sonic Battle for the GBA.

I guess I'll throw down some history. I've been playing games since I was 2 years old. First game I ever played/beat was the original Legend of Zelda. It took me several years since I was a small child, but was able to finish it. I then moved on to Mario World, Links to the pasts, all the Final Fantasy's, and eventually Resident Evil, starting my love of horror games. Then I started to get a taste for competitive games when I first played the Street Fighter 2 arcade cabinet that my grandmother won in a radio contest (That arcade is now mine and sits in my back room.) and started in on Fighting Games. 

For awhile it was just Street Fighter, then I moved onto more technical fighters like Guilty Gear which I mastered...Well, mastered as well as any 12 year old could, which means I was better than anyone I knew. I didn't understand even the concept of a jump cancel or a combo longer than 4 hits. After that I took a long break from fighting games only getting back into them with Super Street Fighter 4, I played online for about a year before finding out about the local Oregon FGC. I then started attending weeklies and the occasional tournie, placing reasonably well in each. My main games are Street Fighter IV and BlazBlue, but nobody really plays BB here. I'm about 25% of the entire scene. 

That's most of the basic information about me, I'm tired of writing this so I'm going to stop doing so now.

Aaron Eades.

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